6500 Grand Avenue, Suite 110, West Des Moines, IA 50266

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The MidAmerican Energy RecPlex is a state-of-the-art facility in West Des Moines, where athletes and healthcare providers from around the community will have a chance to utilize the space. In the event of an emergency, our goal is to optimize outcomes and streamline care by solidifying an emergency action plan. Athletic trainers, EMT’s, and paramedics will collaborate and discuss current literature and recommendations for spinal motion restriction, especially for emergency situations on the ice. Further discussions will include equipment management, transportation of minors, pain management strategies, primary and secondary assessments. 


Concussion education is still widely needed throughout the community. 3.8 million sports related concussions are diagnosed annually in the United States; however, it is estimated that on 50% of mild traumatic brain injuries are reported. (Broglio et al 2017; Iverson et al. 2017). Furthermore, the Rec Plex Facility and the Des Moines University Clinic Physical Therapy are new in the West Des Moines community. 

This lecture will serve as educational platform to provide the most up to date research on concussion management for medical professions, coaches, parents, and plays. Spine boarding will allow for members of the Rec Plex, DMU, and West Des Moines community to come together and improve spine boarding techniques (on land and on the ice), as well as establish an emergency action plan to improve patient care and outcomes.


  • Discuss the current research and practices for the use of selective spinal motion restriction.
  • Apply the most appropriate WDM EMS protocols (specifically: A2, F4, F6, G46, G43, and A5) to the management of various simulated patients presenting with sports related injuries.
  • Coordinate the response, care, and safe extrication of a simulated patient with a team composed of varying expertise and specialized equipment.
  • Discuss the procedures for obtaining consent to transport minor patients with parents on or off site.